Teeth Grinding, Clenching, and Bruxism
There is a good chance you have heard Dr. Nozik, Dr. Tumminelli, or Dr. Kloc or someone else at White Spruce Dental mention the term ‘bruxism’ and discuss the problems it can cause for your oral health. At the office, we talk about a lot of technical dental stuff that doesn’t necessarily concern our Rochester patients, but bruxism… (Read More)
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How Baby Teeth Help Mouths Grow Up Right
Every Rochester parent remembers seeing their baby’s first teeth emerge, watching the rest pop up, and finally cheering as their child loses their first baby tooth, all in the blink of an eye! In fact, baby teeth come and go so quickly that some people are led believe they don’t have an impact on a child’s… (Read More)
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Diabetes and Your Mouth
Every 17 seconds someone new is diagnosed with diabetes, a disease that is now one of the leading causes of death and disability in this country. Dr. Nozik, Dr. Tumminelli, & Dr. Kloc at White Spruce Dental want to educate all Rochester residents on what they can do to prevent and treat this debilitating disease. What is… (Read More)
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The Truth About Cold Sores
Nothing can ruin your day quite like a cold sore. It seems like they only show up at the worst possible times and they are always embarrassing. Unfortunately, the fear of cold sores fuels the wealth of misinformation about them and many people end up believing the myths that float around. We at White Spruce… (Read More)
Continue Reading »The Science of Tooth Decay
If you’ve visited our blog before, you know that we love to talk about tooth decay. The chances are, everyone in Rochester has had or will have tooth decay at one point. It is classified by the National Institutes of Health as the most prevalent disease in the world. Today we’re going to talk about a… (Read More)
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Dental Implants = Independence!
White Spruce Dental in Rochester offers our patients the latest in technology now available in dental implants, freeing you from a gap-toothed smile or uncomfortable dentures. Believe it or not, dentistry can provide you with freedom and independence you didn’t know you could have through the use of dental implants! Should you get dental implants? If… (Read More)
Continue Reading »Gentle Dental Care in Rochester
What if You Haven’t Been to the Dentist for Several Years? Life is busy and we all have a long list of priorities to take care of, so it’s not hard to imagine that any number of things can get in the way of your regular dental hygiene routine, checkups, and cleanings with Dr. Nozik,… (Read More)
Continue Reading »History of Oral Hygiene – How the Pilgrims beat Gingivitis
With modern advances in dental medicine and the careful attention that Rochester residents pay to their dental hygiene, it is hard to imagine what life for teeth was like when the pilgrims first landed on these shores. We at White Spruce Dental would like to share with you how our roots took care of their roots, so… (Read More)
Continue Reading »Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Bleeding Gums
One of the most common and destructive myths about dental hygiene is that it’s normal for gums to bleed. Drs. Ken Nozik, John Tumminelli, and Daniel Kloc would like everyone in Rochester to know that this is not the case! Imagine if we weren’t talking about gums- should any part of your body start to… (Read More)
Continue Reading »What Causes Sensitive Teeth? Acid Erosion Explained!
Sugar is not the only thing that can harm your teeth. In fact, there are plenty of other substances that slowly chip away at our smiles. One of the biggest offenders is acid. Maybe you have heard of acid erosion, but just in case you haven’t, Drs. Ken Nozik, John Tumminelli, and Daniel Kloc want all Rochester… (Read More)
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Mon - Wed | 8am - 5pm |
Thursday | 8am - 2pm |
Friday | 8am - 1pm |
Rochester, Henrietta, Brighton,
Pittsford, Scottsville, Irondequoit,
Churchville, Mendon, and Greece