Call Today!
935 E. Henrietta Rd.
Rochester, NY 14623


Get noticed for all the right reasons

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, chances are you are not entirely happy with yourself. You are less likely to engage in conversation, to attend social events, and to show off your smile as often as you would like. This could be sending the wrong impression to those around you. Make sure your smile is sending the message you want it to, and hit the refresh button with porcelain veneers.

What are veneers?

Veneers are an increasingly popular cosmetic solution to give patients the perfect smile of their dreams in a single procedure. Veneers are thin strips of tooth colored porcelain that are bonded to the visible surface of the teeth to correct things like shape, alignment, and tooth color.

Veneers require a small amount of preparation of the natural teeth to allow for proper bonding and spacing, which makes the process irreversible. Thankfully, we have never had a patient who wasn’t absolutely thrilled with their results. Veneers are long-lasting, and are even more stain resistant than your natural teeth!

Are veneers right for me?

If you are unhappy with any aspect of the appearance of your smile, veneers may be a good option for you. Veneers can correct a number of cosmetic dental issues in one fell swoop, including teeth that are:

  • Broken, cracked, chipped
  • Misshapen, oddly sized
  • Stained, yellow, dull
  • Crooked, overlapped, gapped

If you have been putting off making over your smile for fear of numerous, lengthy, and costly dental procedures, porcelain veneers might be a good option for you. At White Spruce Dental, we believe that everyone deserves a smile they can be proud of.

If you have any questions about veneers, or would like to schedule a consultation with your Rochester dentist, Dr. Nozik or Dr. Tumminelli at White Spruce Dental, please contact our office today at 585.424.5120.

Proudly serving Rochester, Henrietta, Brighton, Pittsford, Scottsville, Irondequoit, Churchville, Mendon, and Greece!

Call Today!
935 E. Henrietta Rd.
Rochester, NY 14623


Mon - Wed 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 2pm
Friday 8am - 1pm


Rochester, Henrietta, Brighton,
Pittsford, Scottsville, Irondequoit,
Churchville, Mendon, and Greece

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